Hey!! It's Allen and Donna Stare! Welcome back to another episode of the "WKRP-Cast." Bailey is stepping up to the plate as a producer. Her idea, "Cincinnati Beat" is tapped by Andy to be the next big Public Service program on WKRP. The only problem...a show like this requires guests, and good ones. Cue the nutballs! Cincinnati's leading eccentrics have gathered in the WKRP lobby! Bailey's call for participants nets some of the most deliciously deraigned attendees imaginable. Mrs. Woodruff's Hatchback Supreme has done some interstellar commuting, Mr. Eisenhower is about to run you down and Dr. Monroe has a cure for us all!! The WKRP-Cast is on the air! Grab your brains, fellow babies, this is just what the Dr. ordered!!

You Know You Make Us Wanna Shout...
OH YEAH!! After the ep, we'll be doing some shout-outs to friends and listeners. You can completely skip it if you want...you won't miss any episode goodies...but, then again, you never know if we're going to be talking about you!!

Want to check that link to Crazy Eddies?? Sure you do! All we could think as we were watching this..."Speed kills, Del.":

[Want to watch along with us? It's a blast!! We highly recommend the 'Shout Factory' boxed DVD set of the entire WKRP series. For reasons you'll have to listen to in the "Prolog"  episode, all streaming versions of the original "WKRP in Cincinnati" have had the original music cues removed. Generic music beds and stings were used in place of the original music for the syndicated version of the series. 'Shout Factory' has been able to restore an estimated 85% of all WKRP music cues to the original "as-aired" content for their DVD release. They've also restored scenes that had been cut to shorten episodes for syndication. The original eps ran 25 minutes. The syndication eps were shortened to 22 minutes. Over 88 episodes that's more than four hours of lost content, including the performance by "Detective" at the end of "Hoodlum Rock." Get the COMPLETE series...get the Shout Factory DVDs. The Shout Factory complete series box has a release date of 2014. All individual seasons of Shout Factory disks were released starting in 2015.]