Once in a generation there is a film so notorious, so legendary, that it’s only heard about in whispers in the back of a comic book shop. For 90’s comics fans, that movie was Roger Corman’s Fantastic Four. Rumored to be so bad Marvel wouldn’t allow it to be released, the film lived in infamy as a bootleg video and remains unreleased to this day. But WIZARDS had to know the truth, so Michael and superfan, Steven Tsapelas are taking you on a deep dive through a 4 part podcast series revealing all the details of the film’s troubled production and one fan’s decade long journey to find a copy of the movie. So push play on Episode 1 and watch out for cosmic rays as the adventure begins! This bonus series also debuts simultaneously on the WIZARDS YouTube channel, so you can see the full video conversation at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqD0b15mU00mx3qceGvFTmw

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Evin Bryant
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