In this podcast episode, the guest, Steven Sashen, the co-founder of Xeroshoes, shares the incredible success story of his company and how they effectively navigated the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Steven discusses the strategies and measures they implemented to not just survive but thrive during this difficult time. He emphasizes that their resilience and ability to adapt were key factors in their success.


One important aspect Steven highlights is the value of their email list. He discusses how they focused on growing this list and leveraging it to connect with their loyal customer base. By using effective email marketing campaigns, they were able to maintain consistent communication and engagement, even during the pandemic.  It highlights the importance of embracing change, building strong customer relationships, and leveraging digital platforms to drive business growth.


He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision, remaining adaptable, and staying focused on the core values of the company. By adhering to these principles, Xeroshoes was able to innovate and develop new products that catered to the changing needs of their customers.


In This Episode:

[1:10] Introducing Steven Sashen who started a company with less than $30.

[2:00] The Covid situation, How they dealt with it.

[07:50] The February problem.

[08:50] Email list.

[09:10] Top 2 sales channels.

[09:40] The sales of physical products.

[11:35] Growing email list.

[17:00] The rapid growth of the business.

[22:00] Doing the right thing for the brand.

[26:00] Integrating AI.

[30:00] Marketing agencies.

[34:54] Ad advice.

[36:00] Knock-offs, dealing with it.

[40:50] Amazon or direct websites.

[46:10] Most profitable platform.


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