I've had previous podcast episodes where I genuinely encourage my listeners that doing Live is the way to go and I'm gonna have to take that statement back a little because in this episode, Jeff will enlighten us why Amazon Live is not for everyone.
Yep! You read that right but don't get disheartened just yet cos there are options to go live successfully and we discuss all of it in this episode. So, tune in and don't miss the important tips from Jeff Cohen.

In This Episode:
[00:28] Introducing Jeff Cohen of Seller labs
[01:22] Jeff as VP of Seller labs
[03:50] Amazon Live is not designed for brand to be developing content.
[08:50] what an average person does not know.
[10:50] Amazon live as Influencer.
[11:35] 3 options to go make it on Live
[12:18] Going live as influencer.
[15:07] Amazon Live new features.
[17:20] Getting the traffic.
[18:01] Live streams in Asia.
[20:40] Work with an agency to do live for your products.
[23:35] Ad placement reward.

Guest Links and References:
Email: [email protected]
WEBSITE: https://www.sellerlabs.com

Book References:
All the Places You'll Go By: Dr Seuss

Front of The Class By: Brad Cohen with Lisa Wysocky

Links and References:
Wizards of Amazon: https://www.wizardsofamazon.com/

Wizards of Amazon Courses
Wizards of Amazon Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/South-Florida-FBA/
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Wizards of Amazon on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wizardsofecom/