061-How to Succeed with a Competitive Product, During a Pandemic, as a First-Year Seller with Noemi Bolojan

How many years does it take for a business to be successful? They say it takes 2 to 3 years for a business to profit and more than 5 years to be successful. They say the first year of running a new business is the hardest. It’s not the case for Noemi, who started her e-com journey early this year and considered a successful seller in 6 months.

From a successful newbie like Noemi, she has amazing advice for those who would want to test the waters. Get inspired by her success story. Let’s hear what she has to say about her success and how she defines it.


In This Episode:

[00:34] Introducing a new close friend and amazing seller Noemi Bolojan.

[01:10] First time meeting Noemi Feb. 27, 2000 at the cruise.

[02:50] July when Noemi started selling her first product.

[03:15] Trivia: Noemi is in a band before starting e-com.

[11:30] First year of selling is nothing but success.

[14:05] What is Noemi’s biggest set back?

[18:25] How does Instagram work to leverage her product?

[20:10] Rating Instagram as 7-8/10 on how beneficial it is on her business.

[22:00] Advice to new sellers: Understand your product.

[32:20] Does Noemi consider herself a successful entrepreneur?


Book References:

Fooled By Randomness By: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Rich Dad Poor Dad By: Robert Kiyosaki

Thinking Fast & Slow By: Daniel Kahneman

Influence and Persuasion By: Robot Cialdini

Podcast By: Naval Ravikant Episode #038


Links and Resources:

TELEGRAM: amazongroupchat.com

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/noemibolojan/?hl=en

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