If you search the web for powerful marketing, one of the top results suggests this ‘100 powerful marketing words to boost your brand’. Now, Everybody knows how words make or break a person. This apparently also applies to marketing. Marketing by words as they call it.

In this episode, you will get to meet words lover Emma, from marketing by Emma and she will share with us how word choice impacts a brand and influences customers. Get engrossed in the topic of branding as I have and Iam sure you pick up nuggets of marketing knowledge from Emma.


In This Episode:

[00:34] Welcoming Emma Schermer Tamir on the show.

[00:52] Looking forward to meeting everyone for the first time after a long time on the upcoming Online Seller Cruise.

[01:28] Talking about being an introvert.

[04:30] How words represent you and your business, according to Emma.

[06:20] How branding is equally important to SEO listing.

[10:23] Brand voice and the rest of marketing strategies should work together to make the brand click.

[12:25] Example of a brand that gets away with SEO listing with Amazon yet makes sales through other marketing strategies.

[19:16] What does Emma say to someone who wants to start a brand but finds it expensive?

[21:18] People who are intimidated to start should know where to look at, themselves and what they like.

[26:50] Emma talking about how copying could be very challenging and expensive.

[29:15] What does it look like to work with Emma?

[32:26] Find ways to excite your customers without making promises that you can’t uphold.

[32:56] Marketingbyemma.com offers free worksheets for people who want to dip a toe on working with Emma.


Book References:

Thinkin Fast and Slow By: Daniel Kahneman

The Body By: Bill Bryson

Links and Resources:

Wizards of Amazon

Wizards of Amazon Courses

Wizards of Amazon Meetup

Text “Amazon” to 69922

Wizards of Amazon on Facebook

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Wizards of Amazon on LinkedIn

Wizards of Amazon on Twitter

Guest Reference:


FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/marketingbyemma/

LinkedIN: www.linkedin.com



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