We’ve heard about how a failing business ruins marriage. We’ve also heard from business magazines and elsewhere that having a supportive spouse is the key to achieving success. Now let’s hear it from someone who experienced failure for having an unsupportive relationship and success with a supportive one.

This episode is not about comparing but about achieving more successfully with the right support and encouragement from your partner.

Having a supportive partner is not only about having someone celebrating your success with you when you succeed but also being there every step of the way. 

Tune in for some advice. 


In This Episode: 

[00:30] Take two with Douglas Levin

[02:40] Me and Douglas being Covid friends.

[04:00] Me talking about how a big part of success my partner.

[04:46] Douglas being a believer that your partner is pretty much a make or break on your business or in what you do.

[06:40] Morning marketing machine in Youtube

[07:10] Being a professional drummer until 2014

[08:33] How Douglas’ Youtube channel started as his Amazon business having problems and not earning much.

[11:00] Talks about his previous relationship and how negative mindset affected his relationship and not being unsupportive with each other

[14:00] The most damaging one that I’ve experienced from previous relations was when we started challenging each other negatively.

[15:08] Douglas speaks about being depressed from previous marriage

[15:55] Being delved in negative mindset

[16:50] Douglas met his wife and started having a better mindset.

[18:30] What it looks like to have a supportive partner when starting a business.

[22:58] Douglas talks about being an unconfident person and how his partner helps boost that confidence.

[23:50] Dealing with setbacks never done before and trying to overcome them.

[24:54] Being in a healthy relationship does not only give you somewhere soft to land when you deal with setbacks but gives you a place where you are willing to consider taking risks rather than failing.

[28:30] Your partner is a big part of why you are doing the business.

[31:00] talks about mastermind

[32:00] Being comfortable talking about business with your partner.

[36:40] How wife plays an important role in the business too

[37:20] How the coaching profession started.

[40:45] Spouse giving confidence and perspective.

Book Reference:

Shoe Dog By Phil Knight

INSTAGRAM: morningmarketingmachine

YOUTUBE:Morning Marketing Machine

FACEBOOK: Douglas Levin


Links and Resources:

Wizards of Amazon: https://www.wizardsofamazon.com/

Wizards of Amazon Courses: https://wizardsofamazon.mykajabi.com/

Wizards of Amazon Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/South-Florida-FBA/