Is email already dead? Not for those who know how to maximize email marketing. 

Getting email marketing right may be challenging though. There is so much work in an email campaign making it a hard work for the business and the answer to this is automation. Automation, proper tools and engagement. These three are where you start email marketing work and you wouldn’t want to miss some tips I’m going to be sharing with you. 


Aside from being low-cost, Email is a platform where you build trust with your existing and cold audiences. In this episode, we are going to tackle steps you might want to follow and some email marketing strategies that will not only make emailing efficient but work for you.


These and some takeaways on how to get personal with your audience. 

In This Episode:

[00:27] Welcome to Wizards of Amazon Podcast’s 50th episode.

[01:30] I’m extremely excited about doing this solo episode in a long time.

[02:08] Thank you for sticking with me for 50 episodes and almost a year of doing podcasts.

[02:48] 1st in-person meet-up after 5 months is happening.

[03:00] Email marketing and its importance.

[03:45] Automated process

[05:20] my three personal favorite email servers; active campaign, clavio, convert kit.

[06:37] Capturing cold audience with trivias and other engaging 

[11:10] How to be relevant to people who are in your email list.

[12:45] Using automation for mails to automatically go out to your new subscribers & follow-up on what’s going to be on the next email.

[14:08] automatically tag 

[15:43] point system and how it works

[19:20] Rewarding and ambassador status

[25:00] Merchandise rewarding

[27:54] Treasure hunt 


Links and Resources:

Wizards of Amazon:

Wizards of Amazon Courses

Wizards of Amazon Meetup:


Book References:

 Fooled by Randomness By: Nassim Taleb