When an idea strikes, you best not miss it and that has been the case for Captain Robb Kessler who came up with a brilliant product after a sloppy collared shirt ruined his wedding pictures. Three years after the wedding, a product was born and launched on Amazon.

Robb Kessler, inventor of Million Dollar Collar talked about how he was not able to get Kickstarter funds when he was starting and how it turned into his favour. He built the brand through learning from influencers and from people that mentored him. 

Not the usual perspective of an E-com Seller, Captain Robb ditched the idea of China production and managed for his brand to be made in The US. 

Though his first and main source of sales was Amazon, He felt that his brand wasn’t being well taken care of which led him to create brilliant ads that gained more traffic in Youtube and Facebook. 

“Like Viagra for your shirt” intriguing enough? Learn more about the product and advice Robb gives to those who want to patent a product.

In This Episode:

[00:35] Welcome to the Show Robb Kessler

[01:20] How the of the brand idea came up upon seeing himself looking sloppy on his wedding pictures

[03:20] Main goal of the product

[04:30] The difference of Million Dollar Collar and Go Tieless

[07:00] Robb talks about his amazing stunt woman wife.

[08:20] 2016 the product was launched on Amazon

[08:40] Engaging Youtube personalities and influencers for review of products

[10:20] Robb was introduced to an all-men group that mentored him in Amazon

[12:25] Stocking up on opportunity

[15:50] The brand’s hardest part about selling on Amazon

[17:10] Next step: launch of new range

[18:50] MDC is made 100% in America

[19:15] eyeing Turkey for shirt production

[20:30] Robb avoided sending productions in China

[21:45] Featured in various pages as GQ and Business Insiders to name a few

[22:30] about not getting a kickstarter fund but gets the feedback he needs to develop the brand

[23:30] Amazon being the main source of sales for MDC

[24:30] Source of Ads- Youtube and Facebook Ads

[25:10] How they came about “Like Viagra for your shirt” campaign

[27:00] Robb’s advice for those who want to start and patent a product

Links and Resources:

Wizards of Amazon

Wizards of Amazon Courses

Wizards of Amazon Meetup

Text “Amazon” to 69922

Wizards of Amazon on Facebook

Wizards of Amazon on Instagram

Wizards of Amazon on LinkedIn

Wizards of Amazon on Twitter


Book References:

The Three Minute Rule by: Brant Pindivic

One Simple Idea by: Mitch Horowitz

Contact References:

WEBSITE: https://gotieless.com/

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gotieless/

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robkessleriii/

YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAVhiyyyyJsGj3Vay1RtZ0w

Website Offer:  https://milliondollarcollar.com/collections/all

Email: [email protected]


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