You’ve probably heard this “well-kept” marketing secret a bunch over the past year or so, but Facebook is pushing hard for more people to join and create groups. That’s where a lot of the algorithm is focusing the crawl. Arne Giske is here to share how he created an insanely profitable group and why you should do the same. 

Now Arne does not sell physical products. However the process he follows to grow his group and to increase his own notoriety works just as well for those in different spaces. The first step is truly understanding your product and who is using it. 

From there you want to look for groups that might be interested in using your product. For instance, if you’re selling shower curtains, look for people interested in redecorating or remodeling. If you’re selling pruning tools, try to find groups aimed at those interested in gardening. 

Once you’ve found several groups that align with what you sell, befriend the moderators and see if you can work out a sponsorship or an advertising agreement. This happens all the time and can lead people directly to your product. This is also completely organic.

Listen in to hear ways that you can use paid traffic to increase your reach as well. 

Of course creating your own group and filling it with people interested in your brand or product is one of the best ways to find your true target market. Then you can use tools like Group Funnel to build your email list with those who have joined your group. 

Arne has so many great tips and tools to share with you on how using Facebook groups can greatly increase your reach. For so many the idea of creating a group is daunting because of how much time it takes, but by using Arne’s engagement strategy and Group Funnels, you’ll cut your group time in half while still building your list. 

Want to see Arne’s screen as he walks us through his processes? Check out the video here: 


In This Episode:

[01:36] Arne is THE guy when it comes to building Facebook groups, learn more about him.

[04:27] He doesn’t sell anything physical but has still made 7-figures through his group.

[05:20] Learn more about the stats that surround groups.

[07:17] What can you do to start building a community today? 

[09:20] How can you grow the community you have? 

[11:59] Is having a community super time consuming? 

[14:31] What is everyday content and how does it save you time? 

[16:16] Learn Arne’s strategies for not spending so much time online.

[19:19] Is it possible to start or join communities that would help sell your physical products? 

[22:40] What’s your next step after finding groups that are related to your product?

[24:43] Arne shares how you can use Group Funnels to build your email list. 

[27:01] Listen as he tells you how his software can help you save time.

[29:49] Why asking the intro questions will increase your requests versus decreasing it.

[31:39] What is Arne’s favorite book and why?

[33:44] Connect with Arne.


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Millennial Entrepreneur Community

Coaches and Course Creators Tribe Building Marketing Secrets

Group Funnels

FB Groups for Business


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