As of this recording, I recently got back from a whirlwind couple of weeks spent at tradeshows and conferences. I wanted to take a minute and share why you should be attending conferences and then how to get back in the saddle when you get home. Listen in to hear why conferences that aren’t directly related to Amazon selling are still important and my methods for jumpstarting productivity. 

It has been a crazy beginning of 2020 and March has been full of events. I went to Seller Growth Summit, Social Media Marketing World, and Podfest and learned amazing things at each one. Despite the fact that SMMW and Podfest aren’t directly related to Amazon selling, I still learn so much by attending. 

Between the power of stories for product-based businesses and the correlation between live video across platforms and how to use those techniques on Amazon live video, I learned a ton. Same thing with Podfest. I do have a podcast, but even if you don’t have a podcast, there are tons of influencers who are using the products you sell. By attending Podfest I was able to network with tons of potential sponsors and connections.

But when it’s all over and I get home, I tend to fall into the post-show blues. It’s really hard for me to get back to a state of productivity. Listen in as I share my tips and tricks on how to jump back as quickly as possible without wasting a ton of your valuable time. 

In This Episode:

[01:50] Get ready to learn how tradeshows and conferences can impact your business.

[02:49] Carlos recently came back from Seller Growth Summit where he spoke on selling businesses. 

[06:26] He followed it up by going to Social Media Marketing World.

[10:03] Hear which session Carlos enjoyed the most and why. 

[12:11] Why it’s important to know the goals you have going into each conference and session.

[13:40] Next up, Carlos went to Podfest. Learn why this conference will still make a difference even if you don’t have a podcast.

[16:40] There are podcasts for everything and influencers who need the products you sell.

[18:12] Carlos’s upcoming conferences.

[19:47] How to get past the post-tradeshow blues.

[21:38] Hear the things Carlos does to get back in the saddle after a conference. 

[24:34] The first full day back from a conference Carlos reconnects with his teams and recharging. 

[26:17] What do you do to get past the tradeshow blues? 

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