Learn why building a brand is the most important part of selling in general, but especially when selling private label on Amazon. Here to discuss his branding philosophy is Jamie Mardis the founder and mastermind behind Koffee Kult. Jamie shares the inspiration behind the Koffee Kult brand, where he started, and why he’s never really considered stepping outside of coffee sales. 

Jamie has always been a lover and purveyor of good coffee. After moving to South Florida and realizing that the coffee in the area was not up to par, he bought his own roaster and started roasting his own coffee beans. Fortunately for the rest of us, he bought an industrial-sized roaster and always had too many beans. He started giving them away to friends and family and the rest, as they say, is history.

After months of being bugged by his mother, he finally started selling the roasted beans on Amazon. He sold out his first batch of units in record time and realized that he may be on to something with his coffee obsession turned business. Fast-forward to now and Koffee Kult has become a true brand with a loyal bunch of followers and a very specific set of goals.

Listen to learn why Jamie credits creating a brand that he loved and could stand by for his success today. He also shares why building a brand is not the result of a piece of paper, but instead due to his outreach in his own community and online. Jamie shares tons of amazing branding information and we can’t wait to have him back on the show. If you’ve been struggling with creating your brand, this is an episode you’ll need to listen to until the end!


In This Episode:

[00:53] Welcome Jamie Mardis the founder and mastermind behind Koffee Kult.

[02:33] Learn more about Jamie and his career prior to Amazon sales.

[03:41] Jamie shares how Koffee Kult started.

[04:27] What coffee did Jamie drink prior to starting his business? 

[06:21] Why Jamie is a coffee dork.

[07:38] Hear the “why” behind Koffee Kult versus just finding a better coffee.

[10:06] Prior to his mom bringing up selling coffee on Amazon, Jamie just wanted to roast.

[11:32] How did he finally make his way onto Amazon and how did the first sales happen?

[16:01] Where did the inspiration for the Koffee Kult brand come from? 

[19:00] Learn why Jamie never considered branching outside of coffee.

[20:59] Jamie shares his best tips for starting in coffee on Amazon today.

[23:35] What would Jamie do differently if he knew then what he knows now?

[25:17] Hear why off-brand marketing is just as important as marketing on Amazon.

[28:32] There’s a difference between a paper brand and building a true brand.

[28:56] Connect with Jamie and find out where to buy and connect with Koffee Kult.


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