(2:50) Terrible Joke

(3:30)WizardCast_pod Twitter Handle. We also announce that WizardCast podcast is now available on Spotifiy and TuneIn

(05:00) Brian and Mark talk about how thankful they are for Mike Gerholdt’s support and how we will miss him on the Salesforce Admins podcast.

(06:43) No Sponsor Spot - Happy New Year!

(07:19)Brian and Mark talk about Salesforce's acquisition of Attic Labs. You can read about the purchase at TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2018/01/08/salesforce-acquires-attic-labs-the-startup-behind-decentralized-database-noms/

(09:00)We talk about Salesforce’s quip product (not the toothbrush) and how we think it compares to Google docs. We also talk about how we use the feature.

(21:10) One with Ninjas ... 3 electric chiminey

(24:10)We also mention Elements.cloud will have one of the first live apps for Quip. (Want to sponsor Ian Gotts?) https://elements.cloud/elements-and-quip/

(27:40)Changes to theWizardnews.com

Cherry (Instrumental Version) (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 4.0
Some sound effects & music provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Overlay music from http://www.dievantile.com/2010/06/03/forgotten-dream/Forgotten Dream, Written by Di Evantile