Episode notes:

📲 If creators own IP and content rights. Who owns curation? 
🔮 What gives NFTs their value? Why do they foster more meaningful human relationships?


Matthew: twitter.com/bread_KRumbs
Johan: twitter.com/johanunger
Mattias: twitter.com/Tyrberg

Marble Cards

Controversy summary written by Matthew: beta.cent.co/+6dqnir
Marble Cards: marble.cards

Wizard of dapps

Twitter: @wizardofdapps 
Website: https://wizardofdapps.fm/
Telegram group: https://t.me/WizardOfDapps
Donate (ETH): 0x865c2F85C9fEa1C6Ac7F53de07554D68cB92eD88

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