We live in a day and age where everyone wants it now. Social media is filled with the notion that everyone is succeeding at the highest levels, crushing life, driving exotic cars, traveling an private jets, taking the best vacations, and then you have the self proclaimed experts and gurus on social media who will unlock the mystical secrets of success for you, for only 4 easy payments of $599.

People fall into the trap of believing this is reality, because they don’t want to face the hard truth. The hard truth is that success is oftentimes very difficult, it can at times be very defeating, it requires consistent hard work, and often it’s very boring. It’s mastering the same mundane, boring habits, every single day that leads to a life of success and achievement. It’s not like the movies, there is no quick fix, so if that’s what you’re looking for, you need to stop. There is no shortcut, there is only hard work.

WITWIN (Whatever It Takes, Whenever It's Needed) Presented by The Nett Group Real Estate Advisors. Hosted by Michael Nettemeyer, Geoff King, and Joe Geary.

SoundCloud: @witwin-podcast
iTunes: bit.ly/witwinpodcast
BuzzSprout: www.buzzsprout.com/245962