Who were the most influential personalities in tech in 2021? What trends have shaped the sector? What role do journalists play in this area? Have we seen a greater representation of women in tech in the last twelve months? These and other questions are answered in this special episode of Without Borders in which we look at the key findings of the Tyto Tech 500, our annual report on the tech sector in the UK, Germany and France. 

Sabrina Horn, award-winning CEO, tech communications expert, advisor/board member, and author of "Make It, Don't Fake It: Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success", is in charge of moderating this discussion featuring a Tyto expert from each of the countries analysed: UK's Zoë Clark, Head of Media and Influence at Tyto, Germany's Silke Rossmann, Head of Practice, and France's representative, Shamina Peerboccus a Senior Consultant at the agency. 

As well as presenting the highlights of the Tech 500, our Tyto experts share what a US communications person or marketer looking to bring their brand to Europe should take from the ranking, what an individual needs to do to be able to get onto this list, and what aspect from this year’s trends really caught their attention. 

You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nQLHYmLcG0 

Interested in the 2021 edition of the Tech 500? Here you can see the top 50 influencers in each country and download the full report: https://tytopr.com/tyto-tech-500-power-list-2021/