The fellas try to diffuse a tense situation in the bar before they chew some gravel. They continue their hunt for Buddy's killer by questioning the owner of the hotel, Willy Wilcox. But this mystery keeps getting more mysterious... or remains just as mysterious... depending on who you ask.

Ernie Debrouche/Jim Withers/Barry: Alex Karakatsanis
DM/Bob/Detective Yorkland: Andrew Karakatsanis
Wayne "Lefty" Poncho/Polkadot: Cory Gray
Monty McFuzz/Riley: Tom Ridout

Outro: Detective Bill "Billius" Yorkland, Tom Ridout
Editor: Alex Karakatsanis
Music: Cory Gray
Artwork: Cory Gray

System: Snakes & Saloons v1.3 (Dungeons & Dragons 5e Variant) 

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