Howdy partners! Welcome to Cattle Creek, a bustlin' city with some secrets to her name. Join Ernie, Lefty and Monty as they set about solving their first mystery - what happened to the town's favourite bartender, Buddy? 

If you don't like mustachioed cats, wolves in cows clothing and aliens pretending to be John Wayne, well now, we can't help you partner.

Season 2 starts today!

Ernie Debrouche/Jim Withers/Barry: Alex Karakatsanis
DM/Bob/Detective Yorkland: Andrew Karakatsanis
Wayne "Lefty" Poncho/Polkadot: Cory Gray
Monty McFuzz/Riley: Tom Ridout

Outro: Detective Bill "Billius" Yorkland, Tom Ridout
Editor: Alex Karakatsanis
Music: Cory Gray
Artwork: Cory Gray

System: Snakes & Saloons v1.3 (Dungeons & Dragons 5e Variant) 

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