Previous Episode: 25. Return to a Fishy Cave
Next Episode: 27. A Flaccid Coup

After a brutal battle last week, the elephellas need to hop in the bah-mbulance to head back to Jesus for some healing/repairs on their best buddy/motivational speaker/comic relief Clarence. They discover something new along the way... 

DM/Jim Withers: Alex Karakatsanis
Bubba Porkchop aka Ziggy Tusko/Bob/Gloopglab: Andrew Karakatsanis
Dumplump Toscanza/Charlie/Polkadot: Cory Gray
Plompington Smith/Riley/Dmitri/Owen: Tom Ridout
Outro: James Withers, Tom Ridout
Editor: Alex Karakatsanis
Music: Cory Gray
Artwork: Cory Gray

Mixed and Mastered by Crying Elephant Productions

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