Episode #0100! For our 100th episode we talk to voice actor Derek Stephen Prince about his career, his Digimon roles (Veemon, Ken, DemiDevimon, Piedmon, Impmon, Jeremy, among many others), & more!

An internet issue means the episode ended slightly earlier than planned. The Youtube stream ends a bit earlier than the recorded audio version.

Adventure: was on hiatus this week, episode review & news returns next week!

Plus we answer your questions!

Show notes can be found at http://podcast.withthewill.net/post/100/

News and Discussion can be found at https://www.withthewill.net

The WtW Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/withthewill

Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/VvWUfHq

Questions for future episodes can be sent to [email protected]