We’re back after a 2-month hiatus from podcasting, blogging, promo-ing, and social media … and we’re feeling GREAT. 


A lot has changed in those two months. Like a LOT.


For one, we (Aimee, Ellie, Rob, and Bear) left LA and are now all living together in Austin, TX. And that’s just the tip of the massive change iceberg. 


Throughout the last several months, we’ve been slowly passing through what feels like a major portal. 


It’s been an initiation into what it really means to tune into and trust desire, especially when you don’t have instant clarity about what’s next and the place you are looks pretty damn perfect on paper. 


Most of all, it’s been an incredible growth opportunity and a chance to really experience the profound difference between acting out of urgency and waiting patiently for the Fuck Yes! 


Today, we’re diving into the intense portal that the last year has been for all of us — what we wrestled with, what we waited for, how we grew, and what we’ve learned. 


Listen to find out:

What made us decide to relocate  How it’s been working to have Aimee living with Ellie + fam  Why Aimee was a “yes” to Austin — and things that have surprised her What it means to wait patiently for the clarity of your desire in a world that’s obsessed with instant gratification How to trust the greater plan of the Universe, even when your life looks nothing like you wish it did

Explore our website: https://www.desireonfire.com/

Come and join our FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DesireOnFire/

And connect with us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desireonfire/


Connect with Aimee:

Check out my instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/aimeebatuski/


Connect with Ellie:

Check out my instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/elliemontgomerie