Previous Episode: WR566: Hoopaloop
Next Episode: WR568: Virgo Rising

When I was in junior high, I was playing (poorly) in a basement grunge band and photocopying zines... but things are a little different these days.

Local wunderkind [GMH Rocks]( already has an album under his belt — with more on the way — and hosts the [Talk and Rock Podcast](, a show that includes interviews with local artists as well as members of iconic Canadian bands like the Watchmen and the Tragically freakin’ Hip!

Here's a guy who is literally young enough to be my kid (I have one a year younger than him) and he's already out here killing the podcast and local music game! Us old podcasters need to watch out. New generation is coming in fast!

This episode brought to you by [Devine Shirt Company](

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Thanks for listening!