Previous Episode: WR389: WHY
Next Episode: WR391: Gym Tonic

Michael Falk is the artistic director at [Jazz Winnipeg](, as well as the man behind [Head in the Sand Records]( and the former frontman of [Les Jupes]( among many other roles in the Winnipeg music scene.

We talk about all of that, this year's Jazz Fest lineup, and much more on this episode.

Full disclosure: I do [freelance work for Jazz Winnipeg](, although I don't think it affects this podcast in any conflict-of-interest-y way. I would've wanted to have Mike on the show regardless.

Also: I tried out the new recording gear for this episode (thank you everyone). As you can hear, I have a bit more practicing to do. Mike came through great, but I sound a bit distant. I figure with every episode I do, I'll get more an more familiar with the recorder and things will start to sound better and better.

This episode brought to you by our pals at [The Park Theatre](!

Don't forget to support our friends at [Dub Ditch Picnic](, who are [trying to clear out as much stock as possible]( to cover some medical costs.