Previous Episode: WR369: Proper Operation
Next Episode: WR371: Jacob Brodovsky

Tim Haverluck is an old friend and a semi-frequent guest on the podcast. He was one of our [first-ever guests]( back in 2013, and has been very busy since. His band [The Tims]( recently came off their first tour, and are still taking advantage of the buzz surrounding their debut full-length, [Ruff Custy](

I interviewed Tim via Skype, which is something I've been wanting to try with the (current era) of the podcast for quite some time, and I think it worked decently. Recording phoners gives me the opportunity to record even more content than I'm already doing, so stay tuned for more conversations like this (on top of all the in-person ones I do).

This episode brought to you by our pals at [The Park Theatre](!

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