Previous Episode: WR318: Silence Kit

It's a trip to a terrifying murder warehouse with 'consumer math rock' trio [Ceilings]( We talk about their punk rock influences, juggling being in close to a dozen bands between them, working with a European label, and much more!

Thanks to everyone who has supported the podcast thus far. Thanks to supporters like you, we can keep churning out interviews twice a week! If you like the show, please head down to [](http:// and for as little as $1 a month (less than 12 cents an episode), you can help keep the lights on!

This episode is brought to you by our friends at the Park Theatre, who have a whole calendar of great upcoming shows. Check it out on their website for more details! ...and speaking of the Park, be sure to check out the inaugural [Manitoba Podcast Festival](, happening there Sept. 30!