Previous Episode: WR302: Scoped Exposure
Next Episode: WR304: Sophie Stevens

... in which [Giant Skellies]( lure me into their underground lair to talk about their experimental indie sound, the band's origins as a recording project between two brothers-in-law, and much more!

Come for the secret subterranean jamspace, stay for an interesting backstory that includes an American ex-pat, a jazz player, and nailing down the perfect lineup via online help-wanted ads.

Thanks to everyone who has supported the podcast thus far. Thanks to our supporters, we can keep churning out interviews twice a week! If you like the show, please head down to [](, and for as little as $1 a month, you can help keep the lights on!

This episode is brought to you by our friends at the [Park Theatre](, who have a whole calendar of great upcoming shows. Check it out on their website for more details!