Previous Episode: WR263: Gentleman Ghost
Next Episode: WR265: Possessed Records

After a long hiatus, folk-rockers [**Gold Mountain**]( (a/k/a your mom's favourite band) are back with a new-and-improved lineup. This sprawling interview with Kris (vocals/guitar), Tabitha (keyboard) and Lindsey (guitar)covers the changes in their look and sound since their last (2014) appearance on the show, as well as much, much more. Since the new Gold Mountain has yet to record, the songs on this episode are from their previous EP and frontman [Kris Rendina]('s solo work.

This episode brought to you by the Park Theatre's [**Stranger Things '80s Party**](, taking place Jan. 19 . Doors at 10 p.m., tickets starting at $5 in advance!