Next Episode: WR034: Microdot

Jon's back as co-host this week for the first episode in a while. For #33, we talk "tapes" with Simon Thibaudeau, a/k/a Winnipeg-by-way-of-Montreal noise artist Kvik. This episode marks the first major technical difficulties we've had in the show's history (not bad for 33 episodes), where the memory card on the recording unit conked out partway through a key part of the show. As a result, an entire section is missing, and it happens to be the part where we discussed, at length, one of my all-time favourite bands, Alien Hybrid. Thankfully, I enlisted Rob Crooks to record the intro with me even though he wasn't present for this episode, and we talked Alien Hybrid tapes awhile at the beginning of the show. Tragedy averted? Maybe? Anyway, Simon was a very interesting guest, coming from a very DIY/tape-heavy scene himself, and this is probably the most "out" of any of our shows thus far in terms of content...which is great!