Previous Episode: WR456: Witchtrip
Next Episode: WR458: Ian Lodewyks

(This episode was originally released in August 2015)

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not very hip to the local comedy scene, but way back in 2015, [we did an episode]( about the then-new Oddblock Comedy Festival. One of the guests on that episode was comedian John B. Duff.

You may have heard that John passed away from cancer recently, so I’m re-releasing this episode.

I barely knew him, but he was a really funny guy, and – based on all the tributes I’ve been seeing on social media over the past few days – clearly a huge figure in the local community.

Please note this is in the old format of the show, and the audio quality is godawful, but I think it’s important to re-release episodes when guests pass (which is happening entirely too often lately).

I hope you enjoy this episode despite its (many) technical flaws.

Fuck cancer. RIP Mr. Duff.