This is the time of the year where as Mercury stations into Pisces, and we are about to hit Aries season, I find myself literally through the rollercoaster of different emotions, states of being, ways of being in relationship to my ritual craft practice.

With the Equinox almost here, this felt like such a turning of the Wheel, and this symbol of the Wheel Of Fortune, was brought in a lot throughout mine and Teejay's conversations. This is an episode of Spiritual Sass, so grab some libations and connect with above, below, and beyond in this episode.

* Beliefs in magick as a kid
* lineage of ancestry around magick?  Storytime! claiming the word Hagzissa (pulling up my seat with snacks)
* How to switch up spiritual services
* Nourishment practices
* Cards coming through in 2021

Upcycling and Portable Magick- because really I just want an excuse to talk about jar magick and some dope ass upcycling tips for everybody.


The Halfass Witch

Drawing Down the Moon


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