The Moon always invites us in - no matter the phase.

This episode was gathered in moments of falls harvest - and now Spring emerges.

I am grateful to the work of Jonathan Koe and his way with words in this episode.

PLEASE NOTE: The start of the Jonathan's interview we have a small echo that comes back - feedback that last 30 seconds - the invitation of imperfection is present here - so welcoming it.

Enjoy the facets of grief and moments we tend in this Episode.

Themes Discussed Throughout Episode 

Storytelling with Oma 8 of Cups Energy presents the discernment within the phase How do we let go of control? What is grasping and reaching lead us to?Whats present in moments that end? Whats our relationship to ending and beginning? How does the Moon card move us closer to the ways of experiencing instead of labeling? Bullying and Greek Mythology The Mystic and Mundane : How do we hold the mystic and mundane? How does Practice and Performance share relationships Being a shapeshifter in a world of too much 

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