Californian Julie Suhr has broken records in Endurance competitions and milestones in horseback adventures around the globe. Since her first ride in the world renown 100 mile Tevis Cup, Julie has completed twenty-two times out of twenty-nine starts [updated to 33 Tevis Cup buckles].  She has collected three Haggin Cups for the Best Conditioned Horse to finish in the Top Ten and she famously garnered three in one year – the Turtle Award for being last to finish; the Hard Luck Award when her horse fell and she endured a full body mud bath and for being the Oldest rider. With a recorded 30,282 miles in competition which represents 63 one hundred mile rides and almost 500 fifty mile rides, Julie last completed the Tevis Cup at the age of 76 although four years later she  made her final attempt and came within two miles of another record finish. Her adventure rides have taken her from the remote expanses of Outer Mongolia to the searing heights of the Himalayas. Julie is the author of Ten Feet Tall Still, Julie and Bob Suhr (deceased) have three children, Barbara, Robert, Nancy (deceased) and John as well as six grandchildren. Julie lives in Scotts Valley, California.
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