At the age of ten Courtney Kupets loved gymnastics and, decades later, she still does. Her motto to find the best in a tough or hard situation describes her positive nature and joy in competition and life. Courtney has gone from being an Olympian in Athens, Greece in 2004 to being named the Head Coach of the Bulldogs in Athens, GA in 2017.
Courtney credits her injuries for offering her time to reflect, resulting in commitment and focus on her competition in the Olympics. Her advice to others dealing with injuries includes reminding them it is not the end of a career but rather an opportunity to set small goals and a chance to practice patience. Courtney cherished her collegiate days where she enjoyed the sisterhood that she now provides for her student-athletes. She  explains the differences in collegiate and international gymnastics and is clearly a great fan of both, but dedicated to the former and bringing growth to her team as athletes and people.  Courtney shares with us the feeling of scoring a 10.0; being in the zone and ultimately winning the Honda Cup in 2009. That experience was significant as each honoree’s story mattered and the award recognizes what they were doing was worthy.  She speaks of other gymnasts who were Honda Cup  winners and shows her respect for all the sports.  Hear Courtney talk about the outlet that gymnasts now have as performers in productions such as The Reve in Las Vegas.  She leaves us with advice that you won’t be the person you can be without enduring frustration, it is okay to make mistakes and she also explains what she means by ‘Go For It’.
Podcast length: 50 mins
Host: Chris Voelz
A co-production with the CWSA.
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