On this first episode of 2021 our regular contributor, Dr Kirstin Lauritzen, covers our next nutrient highlight: Vitamin D. We have briefly talked about the benefits of Vitamin D in previous episodes, so today we are diving deep. It’s of course, January, and we are getting close to the dead center of winter. For people that live in darker areas of the world, like the Pacific Northwest, Vitamin D deficiencies are very common. Vitamin D is a vitamin that will probably show more of its benefits as we continue to study human physiology and nutrition. For now, we see the benefits of Vitamin D on sleep, muscle recovery, immune system, mood and emotional health, and even bone health. It’s a vitamin that Dr K loves to highlight and talk about because common ailments like stress fractures are often due to deficiencies and they can be prevented. She also talks about her own discovery with Vitamin D and her recovery while training for her Half Ironman in Whistler in 2019. This is one you won’t want to miss.
Duration: 23 mins
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