Dr. Heather North, Doctor of Physical Therapy from Red Hammer Rehab presents a brand new show on sports injuries; what can cause them, the symptoms to look out for, and rehabilitation process. Heather begins by explaining why you should see a physical therapist for your care and what you can expect.  Whether you're a professional or amateur athlete or just enjoy sport for fun you will no doubt have experienced an injury that has interrupted training and your competition plans, sometimes a whole season can be disrupted. Perhaps you had surgery or you may be choosing the conservative route to recovery, either way there will be a time to address the physical therapy that you may need on this journey. In this new bi-weekly podcast Dr. North will provide essential information about the process, beginning with the causes, symptoms and treatment options. She begins this first episode by introducing herself and why you would need a physical therapist.
For show notes and related links for this episode click HERE.
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