This week on Five Ring Circus, Sara Gross and Kelly O'Mara ask the big question: Is the Olympic Movement a force for good?
Hear all the latest news including an update on the doping scandal, a look at the survey that claims people are losing interest in the Olympic Games, plus further insight into how athletes and sponsors are dealing with Rule 40 and the advertising blackout period that is now in effect. 
Listen as Sara and Kelly discuss how things are shaping up in Rio, from bad plumbing in the Olympic Village, to residents of local favelas who have been moved out of their homes to make way for the impending games. 
Do we still have that shared cultural experience of watching and cheering for our Olympic heroes?
How does the arrival of the Games, with big money and big infrastructure effect the local people in a place like Rio De Janeiro? 
All this and more, on Five Ring Circus. For more women's sports coverage, news and interviews, visit or follow us on Twitter @wispsports

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