Betsy Pearce is the founder of Pearce LLP and ranked as one of the most influential women in her field. She uses her expert knowledge on mergers and acquisitions in the fashion industry to help executives, creatives, and founders get through the acquisition process and get their questions answered with clarity and consideration. Betsy aims to help creative founders find the right investors with similar visions and life goals to carry on their dream for the company.

In this episode…

When we think of marriages that work, we're often referring to equal-value partners who share a sense of similarity and accountability and who has agreed on being transparent on future issues and concerns. The same principles apply in business when it comes to mergers and acquisitions. 

The qualities of a stable relationship between a creative founder and an investor are almost identical to what makes a good marriage work. And as with any relationship, the need for experienced counsel is necessary for their relationship to prosper and work. 

In this week’s episode, Betsy Pearce, the founder of Pearce LLP, gets interviewed by John Corcoran of Rise25 about how she helps creative founders and investors make a smooth transition through acquisitions and mergers. Tune in as she explains the signs that show whether the partnership is the right fit, key factors to take into consideration in the agreement draft, and why lawyers play a crucial role in the marriage between business entities.