Corene Summers is an International yoga and meditation instructor, reiki master, wellness coach and entrepreneur. Over the last seven years, she has studied many ancient holistic tools for healing and self-care with some incredible teachers in India, Tibet, Nepal and Spain, as well as the U.S., and continues to learn from her colleagues and students every day. Her greatest passion is combining different tools and transformation techniques within the yoga lifestyle (yoga therapy, nutrition/Ayurveda, meditation, breathing, mindfulness etc.) to help others reduce stress and reach greater levels of energy, focus and state of flow in their daily lives. She believes meditation is our greatest tool to connect with our innermost selves, learn the mind, to heal and find greater capacity for joy in every-day life. @artisanfarmacy
Artisan Farmacy

In this podcast we talk about how women take on too much, starting off in the corporate scene and working our way to creating our own businesses. We speak about morning rituals, ayurveda, goal and intention setting, how to show up authentically on social media and the root chakra (energy wheel). Please subscribe and leave and comment on what you think!

Corene Summers is an International yoga and meditation instructor, reiki master, wellness coach and entrepreneur. Over the last seven years, she has studied many ancient holistic tools for healing and self-care with some incredible teachers in India, Tibet, Nepal and Spain, as well as the U.S., and continues to learn from her colleagues and students every day. Her greatest passion is combining different tools and transformation techniques within the yoga lifestyle (yoga therapy, nutrition/Ayurveda, meditation, breathing, mindfulness etc.) to help others reduce stress and reach greater levels of energy, focus and state of flow in their daily lives. She believes meditation is our greatest tool to connect with our innermost selves, learn the mind, to heal and find greater capacity for joy in every-day life. @artisanfarmacy

Artisan Farmacy

In this podcast we talk about how women take on too much, starting off in the corporate scene and working our way to creating our own businesses. We speak about morning rituals, ayurveda, goal and intention setting, how to show up authentically on social media and the root chakra (energy wheel). Please subscribe and leave and comment on what you think!