HD offers an "experiment" in awareness and radical self-alignment. It reveals how to begin living the life you were meant to live, instead of the one conditioned society has taught you to live. Enjoy the ride with Leisha and Tiffany for an informational talk on the four aura types!

www.WiseSkiesCollective.com - for Leisha's article, freebie, and classes. P.S.! Leisha is offering (1) $44 mini-sessions in November, and (2) an hour class for the Wise Skies Collective membership in November! Membership is $22/month


From Leisha: CORRECTION: The vehicle metaphor for Passenger Consciousness (49:52) - In Human Design, we use a vehicle analogy to help us understand the concept of Passenger Consciousness. The Vehicle represents the body, the unconscious part of our design (in red), the mechanics of how our vessel carries us through life. The Driver of the vehicle is not the Personality/ Mind as I incorrectly stated in the video.* The Driver is the Magnetic Monopole, which, like a magnet, attracts the correct things for us into our life and keeps us on the correct line of geometry for our vehicle. The Passenger in the back of the vehicle is our Personality, our Mind, the conscious part of our design (in black). The Passenger (the Mind) thinks it’s in control, but when it’s chatting and directing the Driver, it’s creating resistance in the vehicle, in the life. Passenger Consciousness is about allowing the mind to relax into its correct role: watching, sitting back, looking out the window and enjoying the ride.

*Haha - typical 1/ 3, amiright? (I'm a 1/3 Splenic Projector.) A person with a 1/ 3 profile investigates everything and wants the foundation to be secure and solid and then they have to go out and trial-and-error experiment with it (aka “make mistakes”) until they feel it’s solid. Exactly what happened here: I realized what I shared wasn’t correct, that that foundation wasn’t solid, and felt the “mistake” in it, so I was drawn to correcting it. For me, accuracy and clarity makes the foundation solid!"