Running Time 59:00 minutes

In episode 1, "Pardon Me!" WGT interviews executive pardoned Border Patrol Agent, Gary Brugman. Officer Brugman was pardoned by Donald Trump in 2020. Many feel that Gary was the target of an over zealous prosecutor from the Bush administration.

Highlights: Talks about medically retired, Special Agent Victor Avila and deceased partner, Jaime Zapata, receiving Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act plaque from US Senator John Cornyn and insult by President Joe Biden Growing up without a father in Bushwick, half Puerto Rican. Leaves home at 15, street kid.Joins Coast Guard for 9 years.Finally gets hired by United States Border Patrol/INS in 1998Jan 14, 2001, Location, Roseta Farms Pecan Orchard near Eagle Pass, Texas.The Recon Shift when shit hit the fan. Patrolling 88 miles along Texas, Mexico border.Seismic Censors go off as 15 illegal aliens attempt to enter America illegally. Use of de minimis of minimal force usage. Partners (who later testified against Brugman) Newly hired, Marcelino Alegria & Senior Agent who later testifies from 80 to 100 yards, at night, as to what happened, Remberto Perez."Why are you running?"The boot that resulted in Civil Rights charges against Agent Brugman filed by illegal alien, Miguel Angel Jimenez Saldana (later confused with Miguel Angel Rodriguez Silva.)March 22, 2001, "Positive 46" radioed, short for "narcotics transport suspected." some six weeks later, Brugman is in hot pursuit of 7 "mules" or Mexican Drug Runners. Gets in a life and death fight with Miguel Angel Rodriguez Silva who is given amnesty to testify against Brugman.No sworn statements ever taken until trial, which occurred some 3 years later in 2004 at the trial.2001, Brugman's weapon is taken by his superintendent, and his was put on camera duty. No details were given Brugman as to why other than the Border Patrol said the investigation was not coming from them.No representation from his union was ever given.Receives letter from US Attorney stating Brugman was the "target of an investigation."Self Surrenders in Del Rio, Texas on the charge of violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 "Depriving another of his constitution rights while acting under color of law." A Civil Rights Violation.Prosecution uses "Similar Acts" rule to submit late evidence into the trial.Can't find an attorney that will defend him. Uses Yellow Pages to find attorney. $5,000 retainer paid.CASE NUMBER: 03-50294 March 26, 200484 year old, Justice, William Wayne (1920–2009), Presiding. Changes venue to Austin, bad omen.The role of the Mexican consulate in the entire process. Bypasses normal channels, goes straight to Department of Justice and then the Office of the Inspector General.Was there a revenge motive against Agent Brugman for being a highly successful agent disrupting drug flow to America.