Alice Linanhan helps Texans understand what is going on in Texas public education and in particular how unelected organizations have so embedded themselves into state education.

The Texas Education Agency [ SBOE State Board of Education ]

The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)

Texas Association of School Administrators TASA

Question Guide: [Recognize Lynn Davenport Off Beat Business and Alison McDowell]]

1. Why are these 3 organizations relevant to parents?

2. How much do these organizations cost the tax payer.

"Achievement gaps are largely driven by socioeconomic status,"

3. Why do we need them?

4. What is it they do for ISD’s.

5. What happens if we just stop sending money to them?

6. What is the down side to severing ties with them?

7. How will they respond, fight back against us?

8. Do all new SB members go through training from them?

9. Who are the subsidiary organizations?

10. How political are they and do they slat to the left in ideology?

11. How much to they PAC or funnel to politicians?

12. What is their budget, how are they funded.

13. How do we find out how much school budget goes to them?

14. What is Robin Hood and are there any ties with the Big Three?

15. SLCISD to TASB $20K/year

16. Did TEA, etc. morph from their original mission statement?

17. Who are the big fish?

18. On a scale of 1-10, how much control do they have over our kids?

19. Do NAEP (National Assessment of Education Progress) national data on test scores show all these orgs have improved education.