WGT EP 32 National Agenda Comes To Local Politics (Podcast/Blog/FB)

Welcome to those watching on FB Live, WGT. In EP 32 - 2 Parts: The Trojan horse and The Candidates. We will be right back

Video Limits. Welcome to our diverse and inclusive panel. Concerned parents. Al couldn’t make it. Robert, Juan, Cato, and myself.

Brief Genesis Of CRT: Born of Karl Marx. Frankfurt School Of Critical Thought. Ideology came to US College when kicked out of Nazi Germany. CR became CRT theory under leftist philosophers: Michel Foucault, Antonio Gramsci, Hebert Marcuse, More recently, Angela Davis, Kimberly Crenshaw, Bell Hook, Robin D’Angelo - CR - CRT - NOW Applied Postmodernism = Wokeism - Public School Inculcate Kids, Marxist Phil

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity - Dog Whistles that alerts Woke Left - The Devils’Trial - Words Matter

Diversity- Not Diversity of Ideas, but Diversity of Identities. Authentic Diversity Is what is in the mind. The majority can’t place because False Consciousness No Authentic Lived Experience. Suffer From Original Sin of the father. Defamation of Blood. Permanent Guilt. exacerbate divisions in a zero-sum game of redistribution. fixated on ensuring outcomes rather than a system of meritocracy that uplifts the entrepreneurial human spirit, and that affirms human endeavor by relishing the fruits of one’s labor.

Inclusion- Guess who is excluded? Linguistics word trap. Anything UNCOMFORTABLE to an accredited or Minoritized Group, consisting of infinite slights which can only be controlled by Speech Codes that only quailed, nonheteronormative, Thought Police can conceive, judge and jury (Youth Courts full of SARQ kids). Over sensitized Language with ever-expanding and moveable Rules where people in the wrong lane are afraid to speak. Totalitarianism is Controlled Thoughts that give us Controlled Speech. Social Scores, as derived in China or implicitly on Social Media.

Equity - Dystopian DooubleSpeak - sounds like equality & of the outcome, rather than the equality of opportunity. Equity Forces Outcomes. This does not mean the classic equality of the West, which is equality before the law and equality of opportunity. Equality before the law” Equity’ designed to appeal to the natural human tendency toward fairness. focusses on outcomes, not opportunity. Undermines Trust in Schools and Institutions. By another name, Equity is Wholesale Discrimination. Loss of Freedom, Free Speech and Objective Reasoning - End Of Truth

DEX, as in Diversity, Equity, and Exclusion -- of whites, in particular, but, especially in higher education, also Asians.

Thanks, Al Zito and Fred Stovall - SL Republicans Forum. All candidates except for one of the candidates running for Mayor was conspicuously MIA. Great Show. Great Question - On FB SL Republicans and here on FB WGT - Some call this the most important election SL has ever been presented.

Focus on School Board. A-Political, Agnostic? Are there hidden agendas? ACT Blue and Paint Texas Blue Have stated their goal to win Red Tarrant County and local elections.

The Nation Is Watching. How did this whole thing begin? Is SL a racist community?

We must scrutinize candidates for what is in their hearts. We can’t elect people with 10 years of voluntary service in Garden Clubs. What is their voting record? Who do they give money to? Who do they associate with on SM. How TRANSPARENT are they - delete their unattractive SM history/

Will a candidate that goes on SM during Covid, tell us to STAY THE FUCK HOME, is this a good representation for our Kids, Schools, and Community? Are the words of a Uniter.

Imperative to win both seats. We don’t need another Michelle Moore or Sheri Mills. The destruction of their actions are unconscionable.

Alexis de Tocqueville described in “Democracy in America” That the foundation has been active and informed civic participant of its...

WGT EP 32 National Agenda Comes To Local Politics (Podcast/Blog/FB)

Welcome to those watching on FB Live, WGT. In EP 32 - 2 Parts: The Trojan horse and The Candidates. We will be right back

Video Limits. Welcome to our diverse and inclusive panel. Concerned parents. Al couldn’t make it. Robert, Juan, Cato, and myself.

Brief Genesis Of CRT: Born of Karl Marx. Frankfurt School Of Critical Thought. Ideology came to US College when kicked out of Nazi Germany. CR became CRT theory under leftist philosophers: Michel Foucault, Antonio Gramsci, Hebert Marcuse, More recently, Angela Davis, Kimberly Crenshaw, Bell Hook, Robin D’Angelo - CR - CRT - NOW Applied Postmodernism = Wokeism - Public School Inculcate Kids, Marxist Phil

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity - Dog Whistles that alerts Woke Left - The Devils’Trial - Words Matter

Diversity- Not Diversity of Ideas, but Diversity of Identities. Authentic Diversity Is what is in the mind. The majority can’t place because False Consciousness No Authentic Lived Experience. Suffer From Original Sin of the father. Defamation of Blood. Permanent Guilt. exacerbate divisions in a zero-sum game of redistribution. fixated on ensuring outcomes rather than a system of meritocracy that uplifts the entrepreneurial human spirit, and that affirms human endeavor by relishing the fruits of one’s labor.

Inclusion- Guess who is excluded? Linguistics word trap. Anything UNCOMFORTABLE to an accredited or Minoritized Group, consisting of infinite slights which can only be controlled by Speech Codes that only quailed, nonheteronormative, Thought Police can conceive, judge and jury (Youth Courts full of SARQ kids). Over sensitized Language with ever-expanding and moveable Rules where people in the wrong lane are afraid to speak. Totalitarianism is Controlled Thoughts that give us Controlled Speech. Social Scores, as derived in China or implicitly on Social Media.

Equity - Dystopian DooubleSpeak - sounds like equality & of the outcome, rather than the equality of opportunity. Equity Forces Outcomes. This does not mean the classic equality of the West, which is equality before the law and equality of opportunity. Equality before the law” Equity’ designed to appeal to the natural human tendency toward fairness. focusses on outcomes, not opportunity. Undermines Trust in Schools and Institutions. By another name, Equity is Wholesale Discrimination. Loss of Freedom, Free Speech and Objective Reasoning - End Of Truth

DEX, as in Diversity, Equity, and Exclusion -- of whites, in particular, but, especially in higher education, also Asians.

Thanks, Al Zito and Fred Stovall - SL Republicans Forum. All candidates except for one of the candidates running for Mayor was conspicuously MIA. Great Show. Great Question - On FB SL Republicans and here on FB WGT - Some call this the most important election SL has ever been presented.

Focus on School Board. A-Political, Agnostic? Are there hidden agendas? ACT Blue and Paint Texas Blue Have stated their goal to win Red Tarrant County and local elections.

The Nation Is Watching. How did this whole thing begin? Is SL a racist community?

We must scrutinize candidates for what is in their hearts. We can’t elect people with 10 years of voluntary service in Garden Clubs. What is their voting record? Who do they give money to? Who do they associate with on SM. How TRANSPARENT are they - delete their unattractive SM history/

Will a candidate that goes on SM during Covid, tell us to STAY THE FUCK HOME, is this a good representation for our Kids, Schools, and Community? Are the words of a Uniter.

Imperative to win both seats. We don’t need another Michelle Moore or Sheri Mills. The destruction of their actions are unconscionable.

Alexis de Tocqueville described in “Democracy in America” That the foundation has been active and informed civic participant of its citizens.

Attack on Classical Western Culture. The philosophy is a Vicious Circle of Underachievement, Ineptitude Resentment, Hostility, and Revenge.

What has this hateful, progressive ideology ever contributed to Homeric Greece, Caesarian Rome, the Italian Renaissance, European Enlightenment, Victorian Brittany, Bismarckian German, or our very own Gilded Age and Industrial Revolution. I would say they have only created Bitterness, Jingoism, Social Decline, Nihilism, Division. and odious epithets THE INFINITE PROMISE OF UTOPIA.

There is no idea too stupid for this crown to take seriously and swallow down whole, leftist chump cookies.

The New Word Swords of the Left: Intersectionality, Micro-aggressions, wokeism, heteronormative, equity, diversity, inclusion, unconscious bias, Authentic Lived Experiences, CRT, Authentic Lived Experience