Thanks for listening, friends! Today's topic is rewilding, a topic near and dear to my heart. If you've been listening along, you'll recall my BOSS course experience had a profound impact upon my worldview, outlook and life direction. Rewilding connects the dots between various experiences of my life, so I wanted to to share some of the ways one can get into the movement and reconnect with ancestral and primitive skills, technologies, methodologies and ways of being.

I mention a few of my favorite podcasts, authors and books throughout the course of the podcast. Daniel Vitalis had an amazing podcast called ReWild Yourself; his current venture is Wild Fed. It's been highly impactful for me to listen and learn as I go; I first heard of him on the Life Stylist podcast. 

RewildU is a great resource for rewilding topics, as is, especially their detailed analyses of the misrepresentations of hunter gatherers in common culture, and the huge implications those sometimes-purposeful misrepresentations have on our perception of the role of hunter gatherers, tribalism, peacefulness, land use, and their lives of meaning. It's definitely worth checking out, and checking your media-conditioned presumptions before you read the articles. 

Christopher McDougall wrote Born to Run, a bestselling book that spurred the interest in ultramarathons, barefoot shoes, zero drop and the colorful characters in the ultramarathon world including Jenn Shelton, Scott Jurek and Barefoot Ted who promotes natural movement. 

Local plant books are a great way to reconnect to the wildness and beauty around you; Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rockies is what I'm currently reading.

Enjoy the episode, folks! As always, connect with me at [email protected] with questions, comments and guest requests. Cheers!


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