Wisconsin Watch brings you a story about a revived debate surrounding cash bail after Darrell E. Brooks was released from jail while facing charges related to domestic violence — just days before he allegedly drove through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six people and injuring dozens. Somewhat lost in the debate involving the rights of the accused and protecting the public, Reporter Clare Amari finds: The cash bail system in Wisconsin wasn’t created to protect public safety — only to ensure the accused’s appearance at the next court date. Narration by Wesley Lethem for Wisconsin Watch. Originally published Jan. 18, 2022 at www.wisconsinwatch.org

Wisconsin Watch brings you a story about a revived debate surrounding cash bail after Darrell E. Brooks was released from jail while facing charges related to domestic violence — just days before he allegedly drove through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six people and injuring dozens. Somewhat lost in the debate involving the rights of the accused and protecting the public, Reporter Clare Amari finds: The cash bail system in Wisconsin wasn’t created to protect public safety — only to ensure the accused’s appearance at the next court date. Narration by Wesley Lethem for Wisconsin Watch. Originally published Jan. 18, 2022 at www.wisconsinwatch.org

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