The story was reported by Wisconsin Watch’s Phoebe Petrovic as part of a series of stories about discrimination in taxpayer-funded schools.
The story focuses on Nat Werth, a gay student who was banned from delivering his valedictory speech in 2019 at Sheboygan Lutheran High School after officials discovered he planned to come out as gay during the speech. Reviewing the school’s current handbook, Werth says the school has beefed up its anti-LGBTQ+ policies.
Said Werth: “If I was a kid with gender dysphoria, or even, like, questioning how people refer to me using my pronouns or if I wanted to use a different name and I read this, if this was what the school provided to me, that would have been extremely traumatic.” Originally published on May 31, 2023.

The story was reported by Wisconsin Watch’s Phoebe Petrovic as part of a series of stories about discrimination in taxpayer-funded schools.

The story focuses on Nat Werth, a gay student who was banned from delivering his valedictory speech in 2019 at Sheboygan Lutheran High School after officials discovered he planned to come out as gay during the speech. Reviewing the school’s current handbook, Werth says the school has beefed up its anti-LGBTQ+ policies.

Said Werth: “If I was a kid with gender dysphoria, or even, like, questioning how people refer to me using my pronouns or if I wanted to use a different name and I read this, if this was what the school provided to me, that would have been extremely traumatic.” Originally published on May 31, 2023.

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