In the latest installment of our "Flawed Forensics" series, Wisconsin Watch tells the story of seven Wisconsin families that faced child abuse investigations triggered by University of Wisconsin child abuse pediatrician Dr. Barbara Knox — suspicions later rejected by other doctors, police and child welfare officials. Reporting by Brenda Wintrode / Wisconsin Watch. Narration by Wesley Lethem for Wisconsin Watch. Originally published at on Nov. 27, 2021.

In the latest installment of our "Flawed Forensics" series, Wisconsin Watch tells the story of seven Wisconsin families that faced child abuse investigations triggered by University of Wisconsin child abuse pediatrician Dr. Barbara Knox — suspicions later rejected by other doctors, police and child welfare officials. Reporting by Brenda Wintrode / Wisconsin Watch. Narration by Wesley Lethem for Wisconsin Watch. Originally published at on Nov. 27, 2021.

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