Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Hunting Forums, Netflix, you name it! Across all platforms somebody's got something to say, a bone to pick, or a cool picture to remind you why their gear is better than whatever you've got, and your way of doing things isn't great. It wears on a person after a while and sometimes can make it tough to figure out which way is up.

That's the core focus of this week's episode as Pierce sits down with his good buddy, Gus Merwin, to take a step back and do a little analysis of hunting culture and the messages we're sent by outdoor brands, and more importantly, that we're sending to each other. Gus is a Wisconsin native and avid outdoorsman, now working in the marketing space. The guys discuss allegiances to brands, the messages various marketing campaigns send to us, impacts of social media on outdoor trends and schools of thought, and how those can be a really good thing, or maybe a bad thing. The core message of their chat is that we're all in this together, not everything is better or worse than the next thing, and we should all do our part to be conscious of who, how, and what we represent as members of the outdoor community. Enjoy!