Streaming killed the music gadget years ago. Just up and drove a stake through its silicon heart as listeners traded 99-cent song downloads for $10 monthly subscriptions to all-you-can-listen services. OK, maybe you have some Baby Driver-induced nostalgia for an iPod. But when was the last time you ripped a CD, or dropped 15 bucks on an album? Even the idea of choosing 5,000 songs to carry with you and plugging something into a computer to load them seems like an ancient ritual.
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Streaming killed the music gadget years ago. Just up and drove a stake through its silicon heart as listeners traded 99-cent song downloads for $10 monthly subscriptions to all-you-can-listen services. OK, maybe you have some Baby Driver-induced nostalgia for an iPod. But when was the last time you ripped a CD, or dropped 15 bucks on an album? Even the idea of choosing 5,000 songs to carry with you and plugging something into a computer to load them seems like an ancient ritual.

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