Here at WIRED Transportation, we love a good, fast car: nimble, corner-hugging, fast as hell, shiny as all get out. This week was not supposed to be about those. We were ready to go all in on trucks, the lumbering elephants of the highway animal kingdom. There was, of course, last night’s glitzy Tesla Semi reveal—our own Alex Davies jetted down to the Tesla Design Studio in LA County to spend some time with the ultra-powerful, four-motor beast, which gets 500 miles per charge.
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Here at WIRED Transportation, we love a good, fast car: nimble, corner-hugging, fast as hell, shiny as all get out. This week was not supposed to be about those. We were ready to go all in on trucks, the lumbering elephants of the highway animal kingdom. There was, of course, last night’s glitzy Tesla Semi reveal—our own Alex Davies jetted down to the Tesla Design Studio in LA County to spend some time with the ultra-powerful, four-motor beast, which gets 500 miles per charge.

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