Do you prefer your candy bars king size, regular, or fun size? I’ve always favored the middle. Regular size bars are big enough to satisfy, but not so huge that I feel that pang of guilt in my sugar-ridden stomach. Buying a tablet from Amazon is similar. You can opt for a cute 7-inch Fire, but there’s a good chance it’ll feel too small. Or you can buy a big 10-inch Fire, which, for some, will be unwieldy. The 8-inch Fire? In my opinion, it’s just right.
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Do you prefer your candy bars king size, regular, or fun size? I’ve always favored the middle. Regular size bars are big enough to satisfy, but not so huge that I feel that pang of guilt in my sugar-ridden stomach. Buying a tablet from Amazon is similar. You can opt for a cute 7-inch Fire, but there’s a good chance it’ll feel too small. Or you can buy a big 10-inch Fire, which, for some, will be unwieldy. The 8-inch Fire? In my opinion, it’s just right.

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